Emotional Evolution

CATEGORY: Health & Wellbeing

SERVICES: Design, Web Development, SEO, Google Business
WEBSITE: emotionalevolution.com
About The Client
Emotional Evolution, founded by Lauren Michelle, a qualified SHEN® Therapist, is all about the incredible benefits of SHEN® Therapy. Developed by scientist Richard Pavek, SHEN® Therapy is a unique approach to healing emotional trauma. Lauren, with her background in psychology and a passion for helping people, founded Emotional Evolution. The web design and development project aimed to create an easy-to-navigate platform where people can learn about SHEN® Therapy, connect through forms, and read her insightful blog posts, making Emotional Evolution a trusted source for emotional well-being.
Understanding The Problem
Before the web design and development project, Emotional Evolution faced a challenge in reaching and engaging potential clients effectively. Lauren Michelle’s expertise in SHEN® Therapy was unquestionable, but her business required a digital presence to match her professional standards. The lack of a comprehensive website meant that potential clients had limited access to information about SHEN® Therapy and its benefits, posing difficulties in gathering essential client information through forms efficiently.
A Possible Solution
Lauren’s goal was to create a dynamic, user-friendly website that not only informed visitors about SHEN® Therapy but also allowed them to connect with her through tailored forms. The solution included:

Informative & Accessible
An informative and accessible website providing in-depth information about SHEN® Therapy, its benefits, and Lauren Michelle's expertise.

Efficient User Interaction
Efficient client interaction through multi-step forms, streamlining the process of gathering essential client information.

Seamless Blogging
Utilizing an adaptable template with dynamic features, enabling Lauren to effortlessly share her knowledge and insights with a wider audience.
Font: Gotu
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Font: Raleway
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.





Conclusion and Results
The web design and development project not only addressed the challenges the business faced but also delivered outstanding results. It has transformed the way the business connects with potential clients and shares valuable information, further solidifying Lauren’s position as a trusted SHEN® Therapist. The website has become a valuable asset, enabling Emotional Evolution to reach a broader audience and make a more significant impact in the world of emotional healing and well-being.
Website Performance
After design and performance fine-tuning, coupled with strategic browser caching, the website guarantees visitors a seamless, responsive, and high-performing experience. Achieving a mobile score of 90% and a desktop score of 91%.
Mobile Performance

Desktop Performance

Google Business Profile
After a strategic setup and optimization of Emotional Evolution’s Google Business Profile, the listing ensures a dynamic, engaging experience. With a total of 244 interactions—calls, messages, direction requests, website clicks—the graph showcases continuous growth month after month. It’s a story of crafting engagement, guiding the user journey, and adapting to trends for a thriving online presence.
Google Business Profile

Profile Interactions Overview